Driving Tour of the Cascades, September 22nd - 24th, 2009
- Matilda, John and Dick -
John&Matilda 2103.jpg
John Matilda Blissful 925.jpg
John & Matilda 2102.jpg
John and Matilda - Being  Blissful
Restful Rest Stop 2099.jpg
Ice Crean AND Her Man 2097.jpg
 Savouring Dog 2109.jpg

Restful Rest Stop

Ice Cream AND Her Man

Mmmmm - Intensely Savouring That Hot Dog

NewHalem VC.jpg
To View of Pickett 2108.jpg
Serious Nature Lover 2105.jpg

Newhalem Visitor Center
(One of Becca's Projects)

Boardwalk to the Viewpoint for the Pickett Range

Serious Student of Nature

Picket Range 924.jpg
Diablo Dam 929.jpg
Dick Lake Diablo 931.jpg

The Awesome Trackless Pickett Range
Ten Miles Distant
Viewed From the Newhalen Visitors' Center

Diablo Dam; When Built, the Highest in the World

Dick, Diablo Lake

Diablo Lake 933.jpg
Lake Diablo 2112.jpg
Green Lake Angel 932.jpg
 Diablo Lake  (with Angel!)
Mountain Men  2113.jpg
Lonesome Road 934.jpg
Ridge Along Road 935.jpg

Mountain Men

Lonesome, Beautiful Road

Ridges Along SR 20,
The Northern Cascades Highway

Matilda Woodland Path 937.jpg
Dick Woodland Path 939.jpg
Eroded Ridge 940.jpg

Matilda, Woodland Path, Diablo Lake

Dick, Woodland Path, Diablo Lake

Eroded Ridge

Lake Diablo 941.jpg
Ridge Along Road 943.jpg
Very Lonesome Pine 944.jpg

Lake Diablo Overlook

More Ridges Along the Road

Very Lonesome Pines

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RioVistaVista 945.jpg
MethowChewuch 2115.jpg

Rio Vista
Our Homey, Rustic, Hotel in Winthrop

Rio Vista's Vista
The Confluence of Two Rivers - the Methow and the Chewuch
Running Right Under Our Balconies

Duck Tavern Winthrop 951.jpg
Winthrop 952.jpg
WinthropResidents 948.doc

Duck Tavern in Winthrop, Where We Had
a Huge, Tasty Dinner, Then
a Huge, Tasty Breakfast

Winthrop  (Population - 389)  Main Street

Winthrop Residents Feel Free to
Go Anywhere - and Ignore Everyone

Winthrop Residents 2114.jpg
RoadsideStander 2119.jpg
Fish Hatchery 2117.jpg

Winthrop Residents

Roadside Stander

Fish Hatchery

Fishery 927.jpg
Leavenworth 954.jpg
Leavenworth 955.jpg

Salmon Spawning

Leavenworth - Made Up To Look Like A Bavarian Village - And With Music!

Leavenworth 956.jpg
Leavenworth 2121.jpg
No We Are NOT Lost 2122.jpg


No We Are NOT Lost

Leavenworth Hint2120.jpg
Chelan Falls 1031 .jpg
Yakima Sunset 957.jpg

Hint - we're in Leavenworth

Chelan Falls
See, John?  And You Thought I'd NEVER Find It!

Yakima Sunset

Yakima Sunset 958.jpg
Johnson Orchard EricJill.jpg
Johnson Farm Eric Jill.jpg

Yakima Sunset Two Minutes Later

The Gregarious Owners of the Johnson Orchards, Eric and Jill

Johnson 2125.jpg

HowAboutTHEM Apples 2126.jpg

Eric Johnson Recounts Local History

How About THEM Apples!
Vinyard Country 965.jpg

The Southern Cascades Vinyard Country
Matilda Queen of All 960.jpg
Matilda 961.jpg
Wilridge Vinyard 969.jpg

Matilda At The Wildrige Vinyards
Queen of All She Surveys

Lovely Lass Matilda

A Playful Pause at the Wilridge Vinyard

John Matilda Swing 970.jpg
No Birds Allowed 2127.jpg
John Farmer-Vintner 964.jpg

John and Matilda - Swingers!

Grapes are For People to DRINK
- No Birds Allowed -

John the Farmer
Pointing Out the Intricacies
of Wine-Vine Growing

Fine WineFind 2129.jpg
Wine Taster 2130.jpg
Wilridge Vinyard 963.jpg

Fine Wine Find

Wine Taster Triumphant

Wilridge Vinyard - Mighty Russian Sage!

Matilda Grips John 971.jpg
BoysJustHanginOut 2131.jpg
We Were THERE 2132.jpg

Walking Near a Dropoff,
Matilda Prudently Grips John.... For Dear Life!

Lunch Time;  Boys Just Hangin' Out
Whistlin' Jack's Lodge, Cliffdell

We Were THERE - Inspiration Point
Mount Rainier National Park

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Rainier 974.jpg
Dick Rainier 973.jpg


Glorious Rainier

Yep - Dick Was There at Rainier

Rainier 975.jpg
WHAT a Lovely View 2133.jpg

Rainier The Magnificent

WHAT a Lovely View